Tag Archive for: sql 2014

In-Memory (Memory Optimized) Tables in SQL Server 2014

12 Jul
July 12, 2013

In-Memory storage technology finally make their debut appearance on the SQL Server 2014’s BI stack, with the creation of a proper memory optimized tables and stored procedures, unlike the Columnstore feature which offers a read-only memory optimized solution, that does not work overly well in a true transactional environment.

In this post I hope to dissect the new In-Memory tables feature of SQL Server 2014, providing an overview of how the technology works, how to create in-memory tables, maintain them and any pitfalls to watch out from. Mainly though, I am writing this as a reminder to myself of the latest articles I have been reading about this cool new feature.

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SQL Server 2014 CTP is Out!

25 Jun
June 25, 2013

Image by James Shearer

Its a RDBMs, no its a ColumnStore, no its a cloud integrated storage platform… Oh its actually SQL Server 2014!

Exciting news as the new (project code-name: HekatonSQL Server 2014 is community technology preview (CTP1) is out and can be downloaded and evaluated by the community.

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