Archive for month: March, 2012

SQL Server Data-Mining EXCEL Plug-in Demo Video

08 Mar
March 8, 2012

The Data-Mining Excel Plugin from SQL Server is one of the most powerful tools available to Data Analysts and Power-Users, by leveraging SQL Server’s SSAS (Analysis Service), the Data-Mining Plugin is able to make cutting edge Data-Mining Algorithms very accessible and easy to use, and with extended features such as creating, customizing and training your own custom Data-Mining model, Microsoft’s Self-Service BI (Business Intelligence) offering is truly comprehensive.

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SSRS Traverse Folders & Download RDL Files

07 Mar
March 7, 2012

A few times in the past I ran into a situation with SQL Server’s SSRS, were I needed to download all the RDL files off the server, while also maintaining the folder hierarchy information.

There are many off-the-shelf scripts out-there online to help you download all your RDL files (along with security settings and other configuration files), this article goes through a couple of simple methods that can be used to retrieve the RDLs.

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