Archive for category: XML

SQL Server Returning XML Results

01 Dec
December 1, 2012

SQL Server queries can be returned as a valid XML as well as a rowset (by default), there are multiple ways you could control the format the end result XML is returned in, giving SQL developers flexibility that can meet most of the demand of an application consuming this XML data. XML support has been natively built into SQL Server since the 2005 release.

In this post I will be briefly exploring the different type of XML output modes supported by SQL Server through the FOR XML statement.

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Convert JSON to XML using Yahoo! Pipes

13 Nov
November 13, 2011

A quick and dirty way to convert JSON to XML, using the popular Yahoo! Pipes platform.

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XSLT Replace Multiple Strings

07 Sep
September 7, 2010

I scoured the internet for an XSLT template that replaces multiple strings (and multiple occurrences of those strings) and substitutes them with a particular value, I found something that almost does the job at this website, but the solution required an XML file to be referenced from within the XSLT, which meant that my CSharp WebService kicked up a fuss due to not having setup the appropriate security permissions when I was using the XmlTransform object, which needs to be setup by properly instantiating an XmlUrlResolver object.
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