Archive for category: SSRS

SSRS on Mobile Phones (Mobile BI)

24 Jan
January 24, 2012

Mobile is a growing platform for BI integration, there are many out of the box BI solutions that offer some (sometimes limited) BI integration, I have yet to trial a full BI platform that has mobile OS compatibility natively integrated in its rendering engine

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Convert SSRS Charts to Highcharts (Dynamic) Graphs

21 Jan
January 21, 2012

SSRS is an awesome framework as part of a whole BI solution for report authoring, delivery and interaction. One problem though is that the reports produced through Visual Studio or Report Builder are too static, there is no hover-over effect in SSRS reports, and you cannot do dynamic filtering once the report finished rendering.

This posts goes through building a converter that takes the ATOM output of an SSRS chart (1 y-axis Line Graph), and returns a dynamic Highcharts graph the represent the same data points.

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SSRS Deserialization Failed Issue

21 Nov
November 21, 2011

I’ve ran into this wee SSRS issue today, a quick fix mind you, but I thought its worth mentioning.

The issue is in-relation to the error message: Deserialization failed: The ‘DataType’ attribute is not declared. Line X, position Y.

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Reporting Service TempDB Partitioning during a Scale-Out

13 Nov
November 13, 2011

When scaling-out your SQL Server Reporting Service, it is essential to consider how your I/O will behave and how you can better utilize your disk configuration for optimum read and write.

One strategy is to partition the Reporting Service TempDB, which can be split onto multiple disks to better take advantage of the underlying SAN or a RAID configuration, and improve request parallelism, especially important when considering a large multi-user deployment of Reporting Service.

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SSRS Report Execution Statistics and Analysis

13 Nov
November 13, 2011

Understanding and analyzing your SSRS report execution statistics is critical if you are serious about optimizing your SSRS reports, over the years working with SSRS I have found and developed a few procedures that are helpful in analyzing problematic report (in terms of execution time).

This post will go through some of the procedures you could use to look at your SSRS reports execution times.

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SSRS Execution Time Types and Optimization

13 Nov
November 13, 2011

Analyzing the performance of your SSRS reports in terms of execution and rendering time is crucial when trying to optimize your SSRS reports. Although SQL Server’s Reporting Service could be a bit of a black box sometimes, usually there are some back-end ways to accomplish most tasks.

This post will go through the SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) Execution Types (stages), as well as some top line recommendations on how to optimize the time taken to execute each stage.

To get your SSRS reports execution statistics, you can check out my SSRS Report Execution Statistics and Analysis post.

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SSRS SSL Certificate Nightmare

28 Jun
June 28, 2011

I write this post after a hellish experience that lasted a couple of hours trying to sort out the SSL certificate for SSRS.
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Query SSRS Report Schedules

26 Jun
June 26, 2011

A few months back I needed to grab SSRS schedule information through T-SQL, essentially in a query so I can publish the data through an EXCEL sheet (with a data connection to the database).

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